
Posts Tagged ‘thanks’

He who thanks but with the lips
Thanks but in part;
The full, the true Thanksgiving
Comes from the heart.

~J.A. Shedd

Ah yes, the blowing of Autumn leaves, the preparation of that familiar bird, the eminent crowd of night zombies muttering the words “Black Friday”, this can mean only one thing – Thanksgiving. An all too familiar American tradition based off the English settlers gratitude for a plentiful harvest and a swift deliverance through the winter. It may also be seen as the gratitude of the English settlers for the natives hospitality upon their arrival into the new world.

Though not celebrated by everyone, it is still a widely recognized holiday (when you’re in North America) that is held on what is essentially the last Thursday of November. Why this timing came to be, is best answered by doing some research concerning Abraham Lincoln, which I will not go to detail. What is important, though,  is the whole motif behind this tradition, which is simply to give thanks for what you have. I’m sure that somewhere along the lines, some people tend to forget what this holiday is all about. Kids get a long weekend break to goof off and do what they please and adults find a reason to take off work, and then there’s some sort of a feast.

Ohhh and then there’s a feast. How could anyone forget the feast? It’s only the most synonymous subject when it comes to this holiday (although I’m sure some of you were thinking Black Friday or the word deal/discount…), unless of course you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, or you just aren’t able to. At any rate, those who know Thanksgiving, know about the Thanksgiving dinner, and for those who are serious about this dinner know that this isn’t some sort of a run-of-the-mill dinner. Oh no, there is absolutely something special about this meal that sort of reminds us why we have it in the first place, and it should generally be about something you’re thankful for. Yes? No? Well it should be, to say the least.

Not everyone in the world gets to eat well, sleep well, or breathe well, and unfortunately many of us take what we have so readily available in our lives for granted. We all do, no matter how little or how big the situation, opportunity, and chance is that is practically spoon fed into our faces. I remember spending nearly 5 years in a row working a Chinese buffet (a damn good one at that)  on every single holiday. Worst yet, sometimes we’d be the only establishment open – anyone care to define chaos? I can, and it’s spelled out as ALL-U-CAN-EAT, on a holiday; dreading Christmas was as good as dreading death row. Until recently my parents had sold our family restaurant, they’ve been in this sort of business for over 3 decades, I think it was a good time to retire. This year was the first Thanksgiving in a good long while, and believe me when I say that I’m thankful for it. I am especially thankful for my loving family and my phenomenal friends, the air in my lungs, and the incredible food I eat. Often times, you’re much better off than you think you are. Whoever you are and wherever you are, there’s gotta be something worth to thank for.

And what about my Thanksgiving dinner? Well feast your eyes on this:


So save some room for a little consideration, I’m sure you’re thankful for something.

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